Institutional Review Board

Fullerton College Institutional Review Board No. IORG0007053 has been approved by the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) and is valid until 01/10/2025.


What is an IRB?

In accordance with the Federal Regulations, an IRB—Institutional Review Board–is a committee of scientists, nonscientists and community members who review proposed research involving human volunteers to protect their rights and welfare.

Research investigators and their institutions have a fundamental responsibility to safeguard the rights and welfare of people participating in their research activities. All reviews of research activities involving human subjects is done by the IRB, a federally regulated committee whose members are not involved in the conduct of the research.

The purpose of the IRB rises above performing a legalistic function in the protection of human subjects, by serving as a forum for the development and understanding of the ethical guidelines governing human subjects research. Ultimately, in this effort, the research investigator’s relationship with the IRB forms the bedrock of the human subjects protection program.

The IRB reviews and has the authority to approve, require modifications or disapprove all research activities, including previously approved research that is currently undergoing new modifications. The research protocol and the informed consent document are the interface of communication for ethical research practices between the IRB and the researcher.

IRB Committee Members

Daniel Javier Berumen, Chair – Director of Institutional Effectiveness

Leonard Cho, Faculty, Math Department

Roman De Jesus, Faculty, Natural Sciences

Americo Fraboni, Faculty, Chemistry 

Noha Abdou, Community Member 

Katheryn McGuthry, Faculty, Social Sciences

Karina Corona, Research Analyst

Office of Human Research Protection
The Belmont Report

Human Research Protection Training

Fullerton College subscribes to the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Program. All students, faculty, and staff can create accounts and complete training available on the CITI website. To access these resources, please click here to visit the CITI website, create a new account and identify “Fullerton College” as your institution.

IRB Standing Meeting Dates – Fall 2024 Semester

 The committee’s standing meetings are schedule to allow the committee to discuss any pending applications. The committee also uses these meetings to discuss any updates or changes to IRB policies and practices. All meetings will take place from 9:00am to 10:00am through Zoom.

  • Friday, September 20, 2024
  • Friday, October 18, 2024
  • Friday, November 15, 2024
  • Friday, December 20, 2024